公開日 2024.04.01


Shikoku Shikoku's Lower Right Tourism Bureau provides information on the nature of the mountains, rivers, sea, and sky of the 1 city and 4 towns in the southern part of the prefecture (Anan City, Naka Town, Minami Town, Mugi Town, and Kaiyo Town), as well as the food culture and events of the Lower Right area. We are looking for local ambassadors (attractive communication team) who can communicate from your perspective and in your own words.

English version↓

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募集の条件:Recruitment conditions

  • 四国の右下エリアの1市4町にお住まいの18歳以上の方(高校生不可)でスマートフォンを所持し、操作できる方。
  • 観光局取得のアカウントで開設した、SNS「Instagram」「Facebook」で任期中において継続的に(月3投稿ほど)投稿できること。
  • 任命時において、当観光局が行う「任命式」「SNS活用講座」に参加できること(2024年6月1週目に開催予定)。

Those who live in 1 city and 4 towns in the lower right area of ​​Shikoku, are 18 years of age or older (high school students not allowed), and can own and operate a smartphone.
Be able to post continuously (approximately 3 posts per month) during the term of office on the SNS "Instagram" and "Facebook", which have been opened with an account obtained by the Tourism Bureau.
At the time of appointment, be able to participate in the "appointment ceremony" and "SNS utilization course" held by our tourism bureau (scheduled to be held in the first week of June 2024).

応募方法等について:About how to apply etc.

  • 募集期間:2024年4月1日(月)~2023年5月10日(金)。
  • 募集人数:最大20名程度。
  • 任期は任命日から1年間(2024年6月1日予定)。
  • 選考方法は、書類審査及び面接によるものとします。
  • 合格者の発表は追ってご連絡いたします。
  • 金銭の報酬はありませんが、年に2回の活動報酬(特産品)があります。
  • 任命後、名刺等を配布しますので四国の右下のPRにご活用ください。


Application period: April 1, 2024 (Monday) to May 10, 2023 (Friday).
Number of applicants: Maximum of 20 people.
The term of office is one year from the date of appointment (scheduled to end on June 1, 2024).
The selection method will be based on document review and interview.
Successful applicants will be notified later.
There is no monetary reward, but there are activity rewards (special products) twice a year.
After the appointment, we will distribute business cards, etc., so please use them to promote Shikoku.







0884-70-5880:担当 石橋

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